Chrysler manufactured the Snorunner, a snow bike, from 1979 to 1981. How many units were sold?
Answer: 28,000
About The Answer:
The Chrysler Snorunner, manufactured from 1979 to 1981, sold approximately 28,000 units from 1979 to 1982. Chrysler was in poor financial shape and looked for an alternative product to manufacture and sell at a higher profit margin. A few years prior, the chainsaw manufacturer Echo produced a similar vehicle based on one of its engines in the Japanese market. It only saw sales of a few thousand units. Chrysler had visions of selling the new sled in the military and recreation markets, but in a rush to deliver, the unit underperformed in horsepower and the ability to handle more than a few inches of snow depth. Today, the bikes are collector’s items and can be found occasion online by enthusiasts.
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