In computer terms, what is an ID-Ten-T error?
Answer: User Error
About The Answer:
An ID-Ten-T error is a user error. When someone calls in for technical support, technicians can sometimes not solve the problem as the problem exists with the user, not the hardware or the software. When spelled out, it becomes ID10T, appearing as the word IDIOT. The military has its own jargon for this error, with the Navy pronounces it as “eye dee ten tango,” and the Army pronounces it “one delta ten tango.” Other codes referring to user error are PEBKAC (problem exists between keyboard and chair), PICNIC (problem in chair not in computer), and IBM error (idiot behind machine). Other professions have similar user errors: mechanics – faulty steering actuator or loose nut between the steering wheel and the seat, support technicians – biological interface error, broadcast engineers – short between the headphones, and typewriter maintenance specialists – defective keyboard controller.
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