What state has the smiley face of larch trees in a Douglas fir forest?


Answer: Oregon

About The Answer:

The state that has the smiley face of larch trees in a Douglas fir forest is the state of Oregon. These trees were planted in 2011 on a company’s land. This company is called the Hampton Lumber Company. The two people who planned this fun idea out and planted the trees were David Hampton, owner of the company, and Dennis Creel who was the company’s timberland manager. They go through this forest and harvest the trees, and then replant them. While they were replanting in 2011, they decided to do something fun for everyone to see. This smiley face can be seen from cars in Polk County, Oregon. The smiley face is on a hill, so the slant makes it visible to the drivers on Oregon 18 in the fall when the larch trees turn a yellow color. They say the trees will be there for close to 50 years before they have to be harvested.

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