What was the name of the mechanical shark in the film Jaws?


Answer: Bruce

About The Answer:

In the film Jaws, the name of the mechanical shark was named Bruce, after Steven Speilberg’s lawyer, Bruce Ramer. When the film crew discovered it wasn’t plausible to train a great white shark for the role, three full-sized pneumatically powered sharks were created. Fourteen people were required to operate the mechanical shark. Jaws was a challenging shoot and was the first significant film actually to be shot on the ocean. The film’s budget was $4 million but swelled to $9 million. Bruce frequently malfunctioned, causing many delays and ultimately resulted in the shark being alluded to rather than actually seeing the shark. A recreation of Bruce from the original molds was recently completed and will greet visitors to the new Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles, scheduled to open on April 30, 2021.

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