Which king in a deck of cards does not have a mustache?


Answer: Hearts

About The Answer:

The King of Hearts does not have a mustache. Did you know there is a lot of representation in a deck of cards? Each king in the deck initially represented an actual king. The King of Spades symbolized David, King of Isreal; Hearts – Charlemagne, King of France; Clubs – Alexandra, King of Macedonia; and Diamonds – Augustus, Roman Ceasar. Adda52.com lists what each card represents as well. An Ace stands for desire, Two stands for union, Three is for faith, Four is for satisfaction, Five symbolizes a change, Six is for adjustments, Seven is an epitome of victory, Eight stands for power, Nine represents new beginnings, Ten symbolizes success. Each suite has a myriad of meanings as well, representing the seasons, phases of life, and the four elements: air, earth, water, and fire.

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